문화체육관광부 국립어린이청소년도서관 로고

Greek alphabet

Latin alphabet

Subscript · Fractional numbers



Greek alphabet

Latin alphabet

Subscript · Fractional numbers



2022.10 The ‘7th NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2022.10
2022.10 The ‘8th NLCY-IYL(Germany) Materials Exchange Program’ heldRenovated
2022.09 The ‘4th Future Dream Hope Factory Fair’ held 2022.09
2022.09 Concluded MOU with the Children’s Library of the Islamic Art Museum (Malaysia)
2021.06 The '14th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held 2021.06
2022.05 Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Korean Children's day, 'Library Big Festival' held, Youth Month Festival held
2021.10 The '13th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held 2021.10
2021.10 The ‘7th NLCY-IYL(Germany) Materials Exchange Program’ held
2021.09 The ‘3rd Future Dream Hope Factory Fair’ held 2021.09
2021.08 Installation of Cho Dae Hyun's private collection
2020.12 Opened ‘AR Experience Room’ 2020.12
2020.09 The ‘2nd Future Dream Hope Factory Fair’ held
2019.11 Nov. 2019, Hosted a meeting for the Korean-Asean Service for Children and Young Adults 2019.11
2019.11 The ‘5th NLCY-IYL(Germany) Materials Exchange Program’ held
2019.09 The ‘5th NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ held The ‘5th NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2019.09
2019.09 The 1st Future Dream Hope Factory Fair
2019.09 Opened the Future Dream Hope Factory 2019.09
2019.07 Reopened the LIVErary
2019.05 The ‘6th NLCY-RSLYA(Russia) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2019.05
2018.11 The ‘4th NLCY-IYL(Germany) Materials Exchange Program’ held 2018.11
2018.10 The ‘5th NLCY-RSLYA Staff(Russia) Exchange Program’ held
2018.10 The 6th Korea-Japan Business Exchange between Librarians for Children The 6th Korea-Japan Business
Exchange between Librarians for Children
2018.06 The '12th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held
2018.06 The ‘4th NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ held The ‘4th NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2018.06
2018.01 The ‘NLCY Winter Reading Class’ held
2017.11 The ‘3rd NLCY-IYL(Germany) Materials Exchange Program’ held 2017.11
2017.11 The '2017 Training Project for ASEAN Children's Librarians' implemented
2017.09 The 5th Korea-Japan Business Exchange between Librarians for Children 2017.09
2017.06 The '11th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held The '11th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held
2017.06 The ‘3rd NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2017.06
2017.06 Changed korean name of 'Library Service Council for Children and Young Adults' (English name is unchanged) Changed korean name of 'Library Service Council for Children and Young Adults' (English name is unchanged)
2017.06 The ‘4th NLCY-RSLYA(Russia) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2017.06
2017.06 Signed work agreement with Seongdong-gu for
spreading a reading culture and supporting the library operation
2017.05 Installation of Hong Seong Chan's private collection 2017.05
2016.11 The '2016 Training Project for ASEAN Children's Librarians' implemented
2016.10 The ‘3rd NLCY-RSLYA(Russia) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2016.10
2016.10 Changed name of council to 'Library Service Council for Children and Young Adults'
2016.08 The ‘2nd NLCY-IYL(Germany) Materials Exchange Program’ held 2016.08
2016.06 'Korean Picture Book Exhibition' held in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the NLCY opening
2016.06 The 10th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults held The 10th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults held 2016.06
2016.06 The ‘2nd NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ held
2015.11 The '2015 Training Project for ASEAN Children’s Librarians' implemented 2015.11
2015.10 Signed a sponsorship contract with the Korea Federation of Banks in relation to the “Read Me a Book” program
2015.09 The ‘2nd NLCY-RSLYA(Russia) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2015.09
2015.09 The '9th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held
2015.05 The ‘1st NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ initiated The ‘1st NLCY-NLB(Singapore) Staff Exchange Program’ initiated 2015.05
2015.02 Concluded MOU with the Korean Educational Development Institute
2014.11 The ‘1st NLCY-IYL(Germany) Materials Exchange Program’ initiated 2014.11
2014.11 The '2014 Training Project for ASEAN Children’s Librarians' implemented
2014.10 The ‘1st NLCY-RSLYA(Russia) Staff Exchange Program’ initiated 2014.10
2014.08 Concluded MOU with the National Library Board (Singapore)
2014.07 The ‘4th Korea-Japan Business Exchange between Librarians for
Children’ held
The ‘4th Korea-Japan Business Exchange between Librarians for Children’ held 2014.07
2014.06 The '8th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held
2014.01 The ‘4th NLCY-SBD(Germany) Staff Exchange Program’ held 2014.01
2014.01 Concluded MOU with the Russian State Library for Young Adults (Russia)
2013.12 Concluded MOU with the International Youth Library (Germany) 2013.12
2013.12 Reopened the ‘Multilingual Storytelling’ webpage Reopened the ‘Multilingual Storytelling’ webpage
2013.10 The '2013 Training Project for ASEAN Children’s Librarians' implemented 2013.10
2013.06 The '7th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held
2013.05 The ‘3rd Korea-Japan Business Exchange between Librarians for
Children’ held
2012.11 Cho Heun-pa Collection established 2012.11
2012.09 The '2012 Training Project for ASEAN Children’s Librarians' implemented
2012.06 The '6th International Symposium on Library Services for Children and Young Adults' held 2012.06
2012.04 The ‘3rd NLCY-SBD(Germany) Staff Exchange Program’ held


검색 도움말

국립어린이청소년도서관 자료검색은 국립어린이청소년도서관 소장자료에 대한 통합검색입니다. 통합검색 결과는 “간략검색”, “상세검색”, “주제별검색” 분야별로 검색됩니다.



  • 찾고자 하는 자료의 검색어를 간단히 입력하는 화면입니다.
  • 간략검색 목록 화면과 상세검색 목록 화면에서도 상단에 위치하여 바로 검색할 수 있습니다.
자료검색 화면 예시


  • 상세검색은 키워드, 저자, 발행처 등의 다양한 조건으로 검색이 가능합니다. 보다 정확한 자료 검색을 원하는 사용자에게 도움이 됩니다.
상세검색 팝업창 화면 예시


  • 주제별검색은 KDC 분류로 검색이 가능합니다. 주제별로 자료 검색을 원하는 사용자에게 도움이 됩니다.
주제별 검색 화면 예시

다국어 입력기

  • 키보드에서 입력하기 어려운 문자를 검색어에 입력할 수 있도록 “다국어 입력기” 기능을 제공합니다.
  • 원하는 글자를 클릭하면, 검색어 입력창에 선택한 글자가 입력됩니다.
다국어 입력기 화면 예시


결과처리 화면 예시
  • 인기검색어 사용자들이 많이 검색하는 단어를 확인 하실 수 있으며 클릭 시 바로 검색이 가능합니다.
  • 검색결과 자료유형 분류 기준으로 검색결과가 표시 됩니다. 검색 결과에서 결과 내 재검색으로 원하는 정보를 검색할 수 있습니다.